Biodanza The term "Biodanza" Biodanza® is a forged term on the Greek prefix "Bio" meaning "Life" and on the word Danza, dance in French, with its primary meaning of "integrated movement and full of meaning". Poetically, Biodanza® is the dance of life. Biodanza® was created by Rolando Toro, a psychologist, anthropologist and Chilean poet. (1921-2010)
Biodanza is a system designed to promote the well being that will go through the expression of self, in the relationship with others and in the relationship with our environment. It is therefore a proposition of expression and development of human potentialities.
She proposes a set of exercises and musics, specially studied, to rehabilitate the vital impulse and the joy of living. It increases the level of mood. It allows you to be more attentive to your organism, your needs. It stimulates a rehabilitation of the relationship with oneself, the other and the world based on the expression and preservation of life.
His invitation is to fully enter into the direct experience of the danced movement, to feel the emotion induced by the music, the emotion felt in the relationship with the other dancer, or with the whole group and to express what is manifested by his dance. It's an invitation to become the dance.